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Saturday, September 7, 2013


this note if we count in seconds it will be worth a quarter to time , in other words, worth half crotchet worth a full time.


Pentagram is the local where we musicians organize the notes and the accidents (Flat,Sharp), too is the local where we put the keys and the time signature that is what determines how many times and how many notes will fit in each measure


This note called to crotchet worth half the minim and double the quaver, many beginners confuse with the minim 'cause until look for it, but the minim is white and it is black inside


this note that is the hardest of all the songs and it worth more than minim


This is a musical note that worth double than a crotchet and woth halfto a semibreve.


b - This is (flat) because is the oppositto hash .For other words thislower 1/2 tone


# - For somepeople it called from hash or hashtag,but from musicians it called from sharp 'Cause raises 1/2 tone. In other words, the music stay more acute.